2011. november 4., péntek

Mello: Eddigi kvíz eredményeim

Üdv gyerekek! Állatok és öregek, felnőttek és férgek. *-*

Ma jó napom van!

Voltam fogdokinál is, csak fogat tömtek nem nagy szám, beszéltünk buzikról meg lezbikról, meg hogy mikor csókolóztam/om. Egy szóval iszonyatosan jó volt, bár a szám még nem érzem teljesen, és csupa vizes lettem tőle!!! >< [OTT IS]

Nem ez a lényeg. A lényeg az hogy megszállottan kerestem Melloval kapcsolatos kvízek után amelyek eredményeit most leírom, eddig 3 kvízt töltöttem ki, és mint kiderült:

1.  Mello loves you!
(I guess I'll share, but only for this quiz) Your a troublemaker and have many enemies, you won't hesitate to kill and very hotheaded. How you met: You were riding your motorcycle, trying to get away from the police, you had stolen a special artifact from the museum for your boss. You realized you would have to take a sharp turn around the nearest corner to get away. As you did, your bike slid on it's side and you fell off. "Shit! that f***ing hurt!" You said as you hit the curb. The artifact skid towards you in the crat you put it in and hit you stomach. "Damn it!" You said and looked at your bike, the mirrors were shattered. You walked over to it and picked it up, examinng the damage of it. While you were looking, another biker approched you, he removed his helmet and you saw a blonde guy with a burned eye. "Need some help beautiful?" He asked, "Kind of, I fell off my f***ing bike and now my mirrors are destroyed and I just realized that the front wheel is bent, and if I don't get the damn thing to my boss, he'll kill me" "What's your name?" he asked, "It's more polite to give your own name before asking another's name ya know." You said and smirked at him. "I'm Mello" "______" Name suits you, a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl" "Flirtacious aren't you Mello?" you say grining. "If that's how you want to put it, go ahead. So, need a ride baby?" "Willing to give it?" He patted the backseat of his bike," Hop on baby." You grabbed the crat and got on his bike. After that, you gave him your cell # and he called you every night. He told you he fell in love with you after a few months and you guys started dating.

2. Preppy Girl
You are very preppy, pretty, and creative. Mello likes to hear what you have to say and admires your beauty. Don't be surprised if he starts wanting to bump up a base every five seconds ;D

3. Love
It's little orphan raping time, little orphan raping time! Lol, he loves ya. Without a doubt! Not only will you help him achieve his goal (whatever that is...) but you also genuinely love him! And he loves you back! Either that or its cuz you buy him chocolates. *_* Oh My...

Mind a fentieket egy szóba foglalva Mello engem: Imádna!!!

És én is úgy érzem, hátborzongatóan sok közös van bennünk. Úgy hogy megint oda és vissza vagyok!

Ja, és hogy ma mi lesz még a tervem, azaz mára?

Fanta szeletet csináltunk anyummal, meg az öcsémmel [utóbbi belevágta a tojásba a túrót, hát mondom ez se fog tudni megtanulni főzni úgy mint... Mello vagy én... Sőőt, végképp nem úgy mint ÉN].

Még borsót hússal is főztünk/sütöttünk, vásároltunk meg ilyesmi, szóvak ma Sims 3-azni fogok és kvízeket fogok még keresni....

Hogy ne unatkozzatok, kacagjatok velem és Peter Griffinnel:

Ma még jelentkezem és teszek fel képeket is ha lesz időm, igen.. Már azokat is. :D

Na cupp~cupp!

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